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Industrial Noise monitoring is regularly done to enable factories to comply with the regulations and to adequately protect their workforce.

This picture shows a fast moving printing press. These type of machines are often very noisy.

Printing machine

Environmental and Industrial Noise is often a source of neighbourhood complaints to their local councils.

Where new development is proposed, background noise surveys and modelling of potential noise are now required to demonstrate that the new plant will not upset the local population with excess noise.

Under IPPC, all regulated industrial processes have to assess their noise impact on the local environment. Aspen undertake these measurement and modelling exercises.

This picture shows a potential source of neighbourhood noise.


Aspen use a class 1 Integrating & Recording Sound Level Meter

to measure noise according to BS4142 & HSE book L108 - Controlling Noise at Work.

According to methodology specified in the Noise At Work Regulations 2005
the Instrument complies with & is regularly calibrated in accordance with EN61672.


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